*laughs like The Count from Sesame Street*
I was down 1.8 at my WI this morning *Eddie Murphy Cabbage Patch*. In general, I would LOVE to lose at least two pounds a week so this is great for me. I am still nursing so it's really not recommended I lose more than that a week anyhow. Too quick weight loss could result is loss of milk production and we don't want that just yet. In 8 months, milk can dry up like the Sahara for all I care, but not sooner. Soon, RJ will be eating solids in addition though, and I am supposed to recalculate my POINTS based on how much I am nursing... however, when he's eating solids, I'll be pumping for storage, so it's still considered pumping. I'll work it out I'm sure. But I gots me 5 lb star... TOLD YOU I WOULD!
Ohhhh yeaaaah!