Friday, July 10, 2009

"I got the pepper!"

OK, so even tho Shila started whining at around 11 minutes, I am smiling about my morning run to complete W2D3 of C25K Training. For those of you who have had the unfortunate pleasure of hearing me complain during Week 2, you know I got very frustrated that my new shoes didn't take care of an irritated shin splint that started getting louder as I increased my run intervals...

But I am proud to say that I could not have planned my run better this morning. Shila was patient with me, the TV in front of the treadmill was playin a symbolic message and my iPod playlist was "jammin on the one!" Allow me to explain:

OK, so a little back story, after Wednesday's dreadfulness, I started stretching and stretching hard, yesterday I was scared to do any form of anything worried about how it would affect my run today... but alas, thanks to a challenge via Spark People, I did my last chance workout and got in my Burn Circuit 3 Strength Training session and a 20-minute Turbo Jam aerobics session before bed.

I stretched some more afterwards and then took a hot bath where I stretched some more... and my bath, was simply awesome. HOT water, Rosemary drops, eucalyptus bubbles, Epsom salts and lil ol sore me. It was soooo nice. I am not really a bath person, but I am definitely squeezing in one of these as part of my weekly routine which by the way is tweaking a little bit to incorporate my run.. and changing my off day(s) a little bit. I'll talk about this later... back to how great my run was.

The title of this blog (for non-Cosby Show junkies) comes from one of my favorite episodes where Cliff (Bill Cosby) is asked to run in a 4 X 400 relay as a special race between his alma mater and their old rival! And his coach, to ask him how he was feeling, would ask him if he got the pepper! Meaning, (in non-Cosby like speak) "are you ready to kick this race's ass?!" OK, so not very exciting if you've never run track, but for me it was a nice little sign that the run might not be as bad as I anticipated it... cause, I can't front, I went in today a little confident, but also a little scared. But after that, "I got the pepper!"

Secondly, the first song to kick off my 5-minute brisk walk was "More" by Rhymefest.
No matter how much I get (I want more)
Even when I talk my shit (I want more)
Every party on every list
And everybody want a life like this
But still (I want more)

Which helped cause I do expect more out of myself now that I am getting older. I really am going to kick this fit thing in the butt... for good! Every song after that was great too... I compiled the playlist (143 songs total) and shuffle it every run morning, but sometimes a song I love comes on at the wrong moment of my run and I have to switch. I didn't have to switch once today... yah!!

Third and lastly, today, I am going to Fleet Feet off a recommendation from my Pers (Sorority Sister) about how they examine your run and stride and tell you what kind of shoes you need based on your assessment. In gist, they really analyze everything about your run from your feet to your stride to determine how to make your run experience the most comfortable. Since we are in a recession, I simply can't afford to toss the $75 shoes I just bought and get new ones, so hopefully a simple insert will help much. Monday begins Week 3 and I won't enjoy 3-minute jog intervals if Shila's ass is nagging me the whole time. So hopefully this consultation will garner some great realizations... because I WILL RUN my first 5K this fall. You just better damn believe it!

So the weekend is generally a time for resting for me, but with the new schedule Sundays will be my first day of the week for strength. This particular weekend will be more intense because in the morning I am going on a 7.7-mile hike in Busse Woods (when Saturday is usually my rest day) with some Walking Group friends of mine. So, I will need to stretch and act right because Monday is back to the tread again.

So, new schedule will be as follows:

Sunday: Burn Circuit 1, stretching
Monday: C25K Training, stretching
Tuesday: Burn Circuit 2, stretching
• C25K Training
• Burn Intervals
• Ab Burner
• Stretching
•Special Bath
Thursday: Burn Circuit 3, stretching
• C25K Training
• Burn It Off (Cardio)
• Recharge (Intense Yoga-like stretching)

Time for breakfast... *still smiling*

* Because Friday is so intense, I will classify this as my last chance workout... I will now weigh myself once a week for official numbers early Saturday mornings.

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